NFL / FIFA Field

The PTSA Field Athletic Committee was formed in 2018 by 3 parents Beth Edwards, Melissa DeLisle and Tieg Lawrence. These parents worked to bring together a dynamic partnership between the Miami Dolphins, LIV Superbowl Host Committee, The City of Miami Beach and Miami Dade County Public Schools. The” Field of Dreams” as we appropriately called it, was completed in Jan 3, 2020 thanks to all partners committing to it and working together. The field cost was $1.2 and we are so thankful to our amazing partners.

  • Phase 2 – Bleachers + Lights
  • Phase 3 – Announcement Booth

We are looking for new business and community Partners+ Sponsors to complete phase 2 and 3 of the Field of Dreams !!

Please contact PTA Pres Tiva Leser @