The Miami Beach Senior High Career and Student Services Department is an integral part of the school’s total program with a commitment to individual uniqueness, an understanding of multi-cultural diversity, and optimum development of human potential. The program addresses the personal, social, educational, and career needs of all students. The ultimate goal of the program is for students to graduate with the competencies necessary to make self-directed, realistic, informed, and responsible decisions and to be successful contributors to society.
Counselor Assignment
Student Assignment by Last Name | Counselor Name | Counselor email |
A-D | Dr. Andrea M. Fuller | afuller@dadeschools..net |
E-L | Ms. Constance Robinson | 155006@dadeschools.net |
M-R | Mr. Steven Ellis | 274803@dadeschools.net |
S-Z & IB | Ms. Sonja Clarke | sclarke@dadeschools.net |
CAP Advisor | Mr. Kenny Cabrera | kcabrera16@dadeschools.net |
EBD Clinician | Ms. Susan De Leon | |
Mental Health Professional | Ms. Lauria DaSilva | 338069@dadeschools.net |
Testing Coordinator | Ms. Maria Marmolejos | 318543@dadeschools.net |
Meet Your Counselor
- Dr. Andera Fuller
Caseload Students with last name starting with A-Gom
email: afuller@dadeschoools.net
- Mr. Ellis
Caseload Students with last name starting with Gon-P
12th Grade: 8eahbs
11th Grade: 6ec4nn
10th Grade: e6wcaw
9th Grade: dn8nme
email: selli008@dadeschools.net
- Ms. Clarke
Caseload Students with last name starting with Q-Z & IB
12th Grade: yheez6
11th Grade: uth44d
10th Grade: kadhfw
9th Grade: pzkynt
email: sclarke@dadeschools.net
- Mr. Kenny Cabrera
All Students considering College or University after High School Graduation
Visit our College Assistance Program (CAP) page.
12th Grade: dgnd6f
11th Grade: cym9m3
10th Grade: 29xhaq
9th Grade: uqay7a
email: mbshcollege@gmail.com