Mission, Vision, Values


The mission of Miami Beach Senior High School is to provide a safe and stimulating learning environment and a rigorous curriculum, while instilling integrity, respect and self-esteem enabling all students to achieve personal success.


​​​​​The vision of Miami Beach Senior High is to develop a culture of success by nurturing life-long learning and values conducive to active participation in the global community.

Core Values

Honesty, Integrity, and Respect
We value honesty, integrity, and respect as the foundation of our interpersonal and professional relationships.

Fairness and Kindness
We are committed to building positive relationships through equity and compassion which enhance the self-esteem, safety, and well-being of our learners, families, and staff.

Citizenship, Cooperation, and Responsibility
We honor and foster the diversity of our community by working collaboratively for the educational success of our students and recognize that our obligations go beyond our professional responsibilities to promote democratic principles.

We pursue the highest standards in all we do.

Valores Centrales

Honesty, Integridad y Respeto
Valoramos la honestidad, integridad y respeto dentro de nuestras relaciones profesionales.

Justicia y Amabilidad
Estamos dispuestos a construir relaciones positivas atravez de la igualdad y la compacion, que suben la auto-estima, bien estar y seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, administracion y padres.

Ciudadania, Coperacion y Responsabilidad
Honoramos la diversidad de nuestra comunidad y trabajamos en colaboracion para la educacion de nuestros estudiantes y reconocemos nuestras oblicaciones de promover principios democraticos.

Seguimos los estandares mas altos en todo lo que hacemos.